Administrative Year

The time period that Nelson Mandela University is fully operational. This includes academic holidays, but excludes all weekends, public and Nelson Mandela University holidays, as well as the University shutdown period during December and January.

❮ Service Catalogue


Description / Purpose

Market the University using agreed narratives/messages and consistent branding collateral.


Standard features

  • Campaign creation
  • Collateral development, i.e., banners, posters, adverts for newspapers and radio, templates for presentations, Zoom/Teams backgrounds etc.
  • Design services for the above items
  • Institutional identity guidance – we advise on what can be done and how your department’s profile can be uplifted in the visual articulation


Roles & responsibilities


  • Workshop what is allowed with the Institutional brand
  • Workshop various ways of profiling your department



  • Provide brief of what you want to achieve
  • Budget for collateral you require


How to request

Complete form on the CRM system on the staff portal


Contact person

Michelle Bothma


Service level agreement

Hours of operation:
08:00 – 16:30 during the Administrative Year.

Response time:
Minimum two days, dependent on supply of correct information and content.



  • Depends on the job.
  • Design costs are free (posters, flyers, invites).
  • Adverts are paid for.
  • Production and printing costs are for your account.


Policies and guidelines

Brand manual on the staff portal

Branding policy under development 



We guide you in the best possible way to enhance the University’s brand and positioning.