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Administrative Year

The time period that Nelson Mandela University is fully operational. This includes academic holidays, but excludes all weekends, public and Nelson Mandela University holidays, as well as the University shutdown period during December and January.

❮ Service Catalogue


Description / Purpose

The graphic design hub provides a professional design service to the Universities staff and students that is in line with the institutions visual narratives and ensures consistent brand application.


Standard features

  • Design services for all marketing and branding collateral, this includes posters, invites, flyers, booklets, reports, power points, etc.
  • Design of social media artwork, this includes banner designs for web, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  • Brand development designs, this includes giving a department, faculty, unit or society a distinctive look and feel that falls in line with the intuitional guidelines.
  • Design of all branded marketing material such as pull-ups, flying banners, backdrop frames, flags, overlays, etc.


Roles & responsibilities


  • Workshop with the client on exactly is needed and who the target audience is so that the correct look and feel is created.
  • To ensure that all designs fall in line with the institutional corporate identity and to ensure brand consistency.


  • Provide a clear and concise brief of what needs to be designed.
  • Provide a deadline.
  • Provide copy that has been signed off by all relevant parties before design commences.
  • Provide the target audience at which the design is aimed at.
  • Budget for collateral you require.


How to request



Contact person

Michelle Bothma


Service level agreement

Hours of operation:
08:00 – 16:30 during the Administrative Year.

Response time:
Depending on what the design request is but a minimum of 2 days prior to the deadline.



No cost for the design work but if priting is required, that will be for your own account.


Policies and guidelines

 See manual and guidelines on the Staff Portal


