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Administrative Year

The time period that Nelson Mandela University is fully operational. This includes academic holidays, but excludes all weekends, public and Nelson Mandela University holidays, as well as the University shutdown period during December and January.

❮ Service Catalogue


Description / Purpose

Reviewing the undergraduate admission requirements listed in brochures, flyers, webpages or other collateral used by faculties to ensure that these are the correct with approved Senate requirements listed.


Standard features

  • Reviewing requirements listed.
  • Advising on updates where required.


Roles & responsibilities


Review document based on current approved Senate resolutions.


Provide requirements currently being used.


How to request



Contact person

Bernard Piater


Service level agreement

Hours of operation:
08:00 – 16:00 during the Administrative Year.

Response time:
Minimum two days, dependent on verifying correct information with faculty/committee secretary if requirements differ.



No cost


Policies and guidelines

Admission Policy



Admission requirements cannot be changed/amended during the year prior to the next application intake.

Faculties can only make changes via FMC, APC, ECS, SENATE & COUNCIL and these will only be used in the next academic intake.


Description / Purpose

Updating any information listed in the Undergraduate Guide or Z-Card as requested by faculties or support departments.


Standard features

  • Update electronic versions as soon as possible.
  • Printed documents can only be updated for the next intake which are printed annually and can therefore not be updated faster.


Roles & responsibilities


Update content as requested.


Provide text to be updated/listed.


How to request



Contact person

Bernard Piater


Service level agreement

Hours of operation:
08:00 – 16:00 during the Administrative Year.

Response time:
Dependent on verifying which information needs to be changed and how quickly such changes can be made.



No cost


Policies and guidelines




Admission requirements cannot be changed/amended during the year prior to the next application intake.

Faculties can only make changes via FMC, APC, ECS, SENATE & COUNCIL and these will only be used in the next academic intake.


Description / Purpose

Supply faculties or support service departments with general informative University material (within reason), to enable them to conduct events, visits, outreach activities or similar services outside of official University settings, using these items to promote the University.


Standard features

Supply brochures, flyers, pamphlets etc.


Roles & responsibilities


Ensure that material is ready for collection prior to event.


  • Ensure that request is submitted timeously (at least a week prior).
  • Provide a brief description of the event, visit, tour etc.
  • Provide overview of target audience (material is tailored for target audience).
  • List the number of items required.
  • List date by when you will be collecting.


How to request



Contact person

Bernard Piater


Service level agreement

Hours of operation:
08:00 – 16:00 during the Administrative Year.

Response time:
Allow at least one week notice to enable team to prepare material for collection.



No cost


Policies and guidelines




Please note that material will not be packaged into individual packs and will only be grouped for collection.

Faculty/Departments will need to arrange packaging themselves.

Faculty/Departments will need to arrange for collection from Communication & Marketing office on North Campus.

There may be a limit to the amount of material which can be provided as this is all dependent on stock availability and if the area/school has already been serviced by the recruitment team.

Analytics and feedback on the event, outreach or visit must please be provided to the DD: Student Recruitment for reporting purposes.