Administrative Year

The time period that Nelson Mandela University is fully operational. This includes academic holidays, but excludes all weekends, public and Nelson Mandela University holidays, as well as the University shutdown period during December and January.

❮ Service Catalogue


Description / Purpose

Telling the compelling story of Nelson Mandela University and what it is, and what it is becoming, through the academic, engagement and operational work of the institution, in alignment with its overall vision and mission.


Standard features

  • Advise on activities’ newsworthiness
  • Develop media plan (particularly for key institutional events)
  • Assisting with the development of press release/news articles/opinion pieces for sharing on multiple platforms
  • Facilitating media invitations (if event)
  • Facilitating placement in mainstream print, online and broadcast media
  • Assisting with editing/proofreading of supplied written content


Roles & responsibilities


  • Outline media plan or plan of action for media engagement support
  • Facilitate the writing up, editing and proofing of news content for external distribution



Provide content, information or material critical to the development of a concrete media plan/outline timeously


How to request



Contact person

Zandile Mbabela


Service level agreement

Hours of operation:
08:00 – 16:30 during the Administrative Year.

Response time:
Minimum two days, and dependant on activity timeframe/topicality. Delivery of news piece dependent on writer/s’ capacity and schedule, although taking into consideration timeliness and topicality of piece.

Lead time:

  • For media support on major institutional events – at least one month
  • Other events/alerts – at least two weeks
  • Editing – up to three business days



In the event that there is no internal capacity for media engagement support, additional writing capacity will be sought at cost to the client.

A quotation can be sought prior to commencement of the work.


Policies and guidelines

Communication and Marketing Media Policy


